13 days later..

Published March 26, 2013 by kaylalarissax3

Ooooooh, hello world! How I have missed you ever so much. Its been intresting these past few weeks. First of all im finally 18!!!! Something silly to be excited about, unless your a smoker like myself. Also I got to see Maroon 5 and I was on the floor! So that was so freaking epic! Oh and hello, did you notice? My webpage is now Ateenagewiccan.com!!! 😛 No more “.wordpress.com” hehe, another silly thing to be excited about I suppose, but if thats so then I enjoy the finer things in life.

Anyways, my mom had an epic experience during one of her meditations and I have been wanting so badly to share this story with the world. Sadly ive been to busy, but anyway- enough complaining on my part. Lets get to the fun stuff finally! OKAY! So, the other day my mom was in deep mediation, and she somehow just thought of a random word. When she was done with the mediation she looked the word up because it was really bugging her. She didnt know what the word meant, much less why she would think it. Anyway, so she types it into google and the first link was a book. A Wicca book called “the oneness”, I believe thats the name of the book but dont quote me. My mom was so excited, because she even said “a teacher is supposed to find me when im ready and then all of the suddenly it sends me to this book”? So of course she absolutely had to get it and even jokingly said “damn, that mediation cost me 20 bucks”. I just thought that was so awesome, and it also gives me another book to read once she is done :).

Another awesomely, yet strange, story. I had said in my last post that Ive been wanting to find out about my past live/life’s. So I got on youtube and did a “self hypnosis”. I this state of being hypnotized I learned that I was a Asian man named “Chong” and I worked as a receptionist for somewhere. Some other small details I have forgotten at this point. At first I wanted to be excited that maybe I was really finding out a little about a past life, but then again I started thinking… Maybeeeeee I was just trippin’. I dont know. Practice makes perfect, and plus self hypnosis is very very RELAXING. I just loved it so much. I tried doing it at my computer desk, but I gave up with that and pulled it up on my xbox. Haha.

Alrighty, well I think im pretty much caught up as of now.
I hope everyone is doing great! 🙂
Blessed be, Kaylalarissax3

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